New Opration Rescue – Partner in Netherlands
We are glad that very soon a new group in Amsterdam will start to raise funds for new and existing projects of Operation Rescue. Read more about it --> here. (in Dutch).

Irish Aid
Irish Aid is the Irish Government’s programme for overseas development. The programme is managed by the Development Co-operation Division of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. The work we do in fighting global poverty and hunger…

Digital Opportunity Trust
DOT is a youth-led movement of daring social innovators who have the tools, knowledge, and networks to create opportunities and transform their own communities.
We support youth to become innovators and leaders, and to create and apply digital…

Ethiopian Center for Disability and Development Association
Disability inclusion in action.

Love Made Visible
Love Made Visible is the main sponsor of our Childcare Centre in Adwa, Ethiopia. We are very grateful to have such a powerful partner! http://lovemadevisible.com/

Fields Of Promise
Our US - American Partnerorganization that provides funds for the project centre in Adigrat as well as for the projects for the visually disabled. Sponsor a child or donate directly on the website.